“Duel to the Death with the Vulture” and “The Uncanny Threat of the Terrible Tinkerer”
Stan Lee and Steve Ditko

Amazing Spider-Man #2 is another double feature! In “Duel to the Death with the Vulture”, Spider-Man encounters a supervillain called The Vulture, who uses a winged costume to commit theft in New York. After failing a first attempt to capture the Vulture, Spider-Man realizes that he must use his intelligence instead of his strength to defeat his foe.
“The Uncanny Threat of the Terrible Tinkerer” is a pretty weird story, where Spider-Man encounters an old electronics repairman called the Tinkerer, whose store is actually a secret alien base! In Spider-Man’s strangest encounter, he must defeat the aliens and save the world.
Both of these stories were simple, and while the first one forced Spidey to use his intelligence to win, in the second story he relies more on his strength and agility. Both stories end in a positive note, giving the readers a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction!